pollock with dulse

Pollock with Dulse

Ok so this should be paired with white wine, but we only had the red one opened from the night before! This is a super simple recipe, for the tired galley slaves!

This recipe was our first dinner with the fresh dulse (edible red-violet seaweed we foraged from the sea!). We chopped it and fried it with some butter and white onions as a side dish to our simple fish.

For the Pollock:
Any white fish meat would do, arguably any fish would do! Fillet and pat dry.
Coat with a mixture enough to coat all your fish thinly: flour, salt, pepper, and paprika (half a teaspoon)

Heat pan with some coconut or vegetable oil until it’s smoking a bit. Pan fry the flesh side down, until flour is golden brown, about 3 minutes depending on the size of your fillet. Turn fish around and fry for another few minutes.

Serve over sweet potato chips, dulse, and onion!

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